What is Guerrilla Marketing? A Creative Way to Reach Your Target Market

What is guerrilla marketing? This is a question that many business owners have asked themselves, and for good reason. Guerrilla marketing is a creative and unconventional way to promote your product or service. It involves using low-cost or free methods, such as street marketing, social media and publicity stunts, to get your message out there. Guerrilla marketing can be a very effective way to reach your target audience and generate a lot of buzz for your business. In this blog post, we will discuss what guerrilla marketing is, how it works and some examples of successful campaigns.

What is Guerrilla Marketing?

Don't be surprised if you've never heard about guerrilla marketing. Many people haven't. But guerrilla marketing is a popular and effective way to reach your target audience and generate buzz, so you may be hearing about it more in the future.

The term "guerrilla marketing" was first coined by Jay Conrad Levinson, who wrote several books on the subject such as Guerrilla Marketing (1984) and Guerrilla Publicity (2005). He defined guerrilla marketing as "an aggressive, imaginative approach to breaking through the clutter of advertising messages with which consumers are bombarded daily."

According to Jay Conrad Levinson, guerrilla marketing is an "aggressive, imaginative" approach to promoting your brand.

For many business owners, guerrilla marketing might sound like a daunting idea. However, it doesn't need to be. You can use a variety of simple techniques to promote your product or service, such as distributing flyers.

Want to learn about other marketing tactics, read this blog!

What Marketing Tactics Should I Use?

How Does Guerrilla Marketing Work?

The success of any guerrilla marketing campaign depends on how well you know your target audience and what they like. For example, if one company knows that their target audience is very tech-savvy and active on many social media platforms, then they can create a guerrilla marketing campaign to take advantage of this.

One very simple example of guerrilla marketing is creating a hashtag for your company and encouraging people to share it on Twitter or Instagram. This is an easy way to generate interest in your business without spending too much money.

On the other hand, if you're targeting an older audience who aren't particularly active on social media, then you should focus more on traditional marketing methods like flyers or billboards.

Examples of Successful Guerrilla Marketing Campaigns

Here are some examples of successful guerilla marketing campaigns:

Deadpool's Tinder Profile

deadpool tinder profile as guerilla marketing


Back in 2016 some people might have been surprised to find Deadpool on their Tinder screens. With "cheeky" pics and witty profile copy, Deadpool broke the 4th wall and met potential movie-goers ahead of it's release date. If the tinder user "swiped" right they would receive a link where they could purchase tickets

Frontline's interactive Floor Ad

interactive guerilla marketing example


Frontline, the makers of flea and tick prevention products for dogs put a picture of a dog on the floor. To the person walking they might not understand what's going on but if looked from above, the people walking resembled fleas and ticks, creating the dog-and-insect illusion.

Fiji Water's #FijiGirl

fiji water social media guerilla marketing


Strategic product placement is one guerilla marketing tactic to gain attention. You'll usually see this in movies but Fiji Water took it to another level. In 2019 Fiji sponsored the event and had models wear blue and carry trays of water for thirsty A-list stars.

One model, Kelleth Cuthbert, positioned herself strategically in the background during photoshops, photo-bombing high-profile celebrity photos. The photos went viral drawing attention to both the model and the brand.

Why You Should Consider Using a Guerrilla Marketing Strategy for your Business

Guerrilla marketing can be a very effective way to reach your target audience and generate a lot of buzz for your business. It's a creative and unconventional way to promote your product or service, and it doesn't need to be expensive. There are many different guerrilla marketing tactics you can use, so it's important to tailor your strategy to your target audience.

If you're still unsure if guerrilla marketing is right for you and want to talk to someone, contact us! We'd be happy to let you know what we think

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